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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package ndhm.in#3.1.0 (266 ms)

Package ndhm.in
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://nrces.in/ndhm/fhir/r4/file://E:\NRCES-IG-DEV\Branch\extended-branches\for-main-tree\v3.1.0#current\abdm-fhir-ig\output/CodeSystem-ndhm-supportinginfo-code.html
Url https://nrces.in/ndhm/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/ndhm-supportinginfo-code
Version 3.1.0
Status draft
Date 2022-07-14
Name SupportingInfoCode
Title SupportingInfo code
Experimental False
Realm in
Authority national
Description This CodeSystem contains code pertaining to the specific information mentioned with the category of supporting info
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ndhm-supportinginfo-code SupportingInfo Code

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This code system https://nrces.in/ndhm/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/ndhm-supportinginfo-code defines the following codes:

AT AttachmentAttachment
VRCF Vehicle Registration Certificate / Smart cardVehicle Registration Certificate / Smart card
WB Water Bill with addressWater Bill with address
EB Electricity Bill of Govt./private company (not older than 3 months)Electricity Bill of Govt./private company (not older than 3 months)
TB Telephone Bill of a fixed line. (Any Service Provider)Telephone Bill of a fixed line. (Any Service Provider)
RA Registered Sale/Lease (Rent) AgreementRegistered Sale/Lease (Rent) Agreement
IAO IT Assessment OrderIT Assessment Order
SRIC Surrender ID Card (BLT etc.) issued by Govt. of India signed by IGP of the stateSurrender ID Card (BLT etc.) issued by Govt. of India signed by IGP of the state
ACC Army Canteen CardArmy Canteen Card
FED Any other Central/ State government issued family entitlement documentAny other Central/ State government issued family entitlement document
MCF Marriage Certificate issued by the governmentMarriage Certificate issued by the government
DCB Discharge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for birth of a childDischarge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for birth of a child
CFIG Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer on UIDAI standard certificate formatCertificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer on UIDAI standard certificate format
CFIP Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
CFIE Certificate of Identity containing Name, DOB and Photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate formatCertificate of Identity containing Name, DOB and Photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format
CFIU Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate formatCertificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate format
SSLC SSLC Book/ CertificateSSLC Book/ Certificate
MRU Marksheet issued by any Government Board or UniversityMarksheet issued by any Government Board or University
PIC Government Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued by PSU containing DOBGovernment Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued by PSU containing DOB
ESR Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing Name, Date of Birth and PhotographExtract of School Records issued by Head of School containing Name, Date of Birth and Photograph
PS Photograph of selfPhotograph of self
PF Photograph of familyPhotograph of family
PD Photograph of dead personPhotograph of dead person
PCA Photograph (any other required for claims adjudication)Photograph (any other required for claims adjudication)
SDF Self signed declaration formSelf signed declaration form
HDF Hospital stamped and signed hospital declaration formHospital stamped and signed hospital declaration form
MDF Any other consent form or miscellaneous declaration formAny other consent form or miscellaneous declaration form
WS Self signature (wet signature) scanned copySelf signature (wet signature) scanned copy
HS Hospital signature and stamp (scanned copy)Hospital signature and stamp (scanned copy)
MDC Medical CertificateMedical Certificate
FB Final BillFinal Bill
IB Interim BillInterim Bill
ESB Estimate BillEstimate Bill
LIR Lab Investigation ReportLab Investigation Report
RDR Radiology ReportRadiology Report
IR Imaging Report with studyImaging Report with study
GAR Genetic Assessment ReportGenetic Assessment Report
DRRL Doctor Referral letter (to specialist)Doctor Referral letter (to specialist)
URL Upward Referral Letter (referral from HWC, SC, PHC,CHC to District Hospital)Upward Referral Letter (referral from HWC, SC, PHC,CHC to District Hospital)
DRL Downward Referral Letter (referral from higher facility to the original referee facility)Downward Referral Letter (referral from higher facility to the original referee facility)
IHRL Inter Hospital Referral LetterInter Hospital Referral Letter
DRRLH Doctor Referral letter (to hospital)Doctor Referral letter (to hospital)
DSTEL Doctor signed treatment extension letterDoctor signed treatment extension letter
DSDEL Doctor signed discharge extension letterDoctor signed discharge extension letter
PDRRL Post discharge readmission request letterPost discharge readmission request letter
DRP Doctor PrescriptionDoctor Prescription
CSN Consultation Summary NoteConsultation Summary Note
DPN Daily progress noteDaily progress note
NN Nursing noteNursing note
OSN OT Surgery NoteOT Surgery Note
FS FlowsheetFlowsheet
IMR ICU monitoring reports with noteICU monitoring reports with note
MDN Medication Diapensation NoteMedication Diapensation Note
CP CarePlanCarePlan
ETN Emergency Treatment NoteEmergency Treatment Note
BMR Bedside monitoring reportBedside monitoring report
PCTR Point of care testing reportPoint of care testing report
FIR FIR reportFIR report
DTH DischargeToHome (Discharge disposition status)DischargeToHome (Discharge disposition status)
DTM DischargetoMortuary(death disposition)DischargetoMortuary(death disposition)
DTU DischargeToUnknownLocationDischargeToUnknownLocation
DTS DischargeToDifferentStateDischargeToDifferentState
DTC DischargeToDifferentCountryDischargeToDifferentCountry
ADDD Admission date -Discharge dateAdmission date -Discharge date
DSDE Discharge start-discharge end timeDischarge start-discharge end time
PNR PatientNormalRoom (start datetime- enddatetime)PatientNormalRoom (start datetime- enddatetime)
PER PatientEmergencyRoom(start datetime-enddatetime)PatientEmergencyRoom(start datetime-enddatetime)
PSP PatientSurgeryPerformed(startdatetime-enddatetime)PatientSurgeryPerformed(startdatetime-enddatetime)
PIS PatientICUStay (startdatetime-enddatetime)PatientICUStay (startdatetime-enddatetime)
PPD ProcedurePerformedDetailProcedurePerformedDetail
PPDT ProcedurePerformedDateTimeProcedurePerformedDateTime
SRD ServiceRenderedDetailServiceRenderedDetail
SRDT ServiceRenderedDateTimeServiceRenderedDateTime
IPD InvestigationPerformedDetailInvestigationPerformedDetail
IPDT InvestigationPerformedDetailDateTimeInvestigationPerformedDetailDateTime
IPE InsurancePolicyExclusionInsurancePolicyExclusion
CPNC CostlyProcedureNotCoveredInPolicyCostlyProcedureNotCoveredInPolicy
EMNC ExpensiveMedicinesNotCoveredinPackageExpensiveMedicinesNotCoveredinPackage
CDNC ConsummablesAndDisposiblesNotcoveredinPolicyConsummablesAndDisposiblesNotcoveredinPolicy
ED EmploymentDetailEmploymentDetail
CIA Cause of Injury or AccidentCause of Injury or Accident
PCAI Patient Condition at time of admission after injuryPatient Condition at time of admission after injury
VAD Vehicle Acident detailVehicle Acident detail
FBD Fire Burns detailFire Burns detail
SBD Snake Bite detailSnake Bite detail
ESD Electric Shock detailElectric Shock detail
CPSD Consumption of Poisonous substance detail(FIR Registered or not)Consumption of Poisonous substance detail(FIR Registered or not)
AHBD Attack on human body detail (FIR Registered or not)Attack on human body detail (FIR Registered or not)
ITPP ImmediateTreatmentProvidedToPatientAfterAccidentImmediateTreatmentProvidedToPatientAfterAccident
PCDT AnyPreviousClaimsDueToAccident (previous claim detail)AnyPreviousClaimsDueToAccident (previous claim detail)
DOA Date of Accident or InjuryDate of Accident or Injury
DHDA Date-Time of Hospitalization Due to AccidentDate-Time of Hospitalization Due to Accident
EDT EncounterDateTimeEncounterDateTime
ET EncounterTypeEncounterType
RC ReasonCode (encounter reason)ReasonCode (encounter reason)
EO EncounterOutcomeEncounterOutcome
CRD Claim received date timeClaim received date time
DD document detail (submitted with claims)document detail (submitted with claims)
CNCR courier number of claim recieptcourier number of claim reciept
MLC MLC Case (Boolean Y/N)MLC Case (Boolean Y/N)
MPC MultiPayorClaim (Boolean Y/N)MultiPayorClaim (Boolean Y/N)
PSPD Primary and Secondary Payor Detail (in case of Multi Payor claim)Primary and Secondary Payor Detail (in case of Multi Payor claim)
POSC PrimaryorSecondaryClaimPrimaryorSecondaryClaim
DCSPP Details of claim settled by primary payor (in case of secondary claims - attachment)Details of claim settled by primary payor (in case of secondary claims - attachment)
PIPC PMJAYInsurancePortabilityCase (Y/N) (treatment received in a different state)PMJAYInsurancePortabilityCase (Y/N) (treatment received in a different state)
PSD PrimarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where PMJAY benefeciary belongs to)PrimarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where PMJAY benefeciary belongs to)
SSD SecondarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where benefeciary received treatment)SecondarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where benefeciary received treatment)
EI EmploymentImpacted (Y/N) for long disabilities)EmploymentImpacted (Y/N) for long disabilities)
EID Employment impacted period (start date - end date)Employment impacted period (start date - end date)
HI HospitalizedIndicator (if patient was hospitalized or not - Y/N)HospitalizedIndicator (if patient was hospitalized or not - Y/N)
MF Materials ForwardedMaterials Forwarded
CQD Claim query detailClaim query detail
TD Treatment detailTreatment detail
ARC Additional info related to claim ( conveying additional situation and condition information.)Additional info related to claim ( conveying additional situation and condition information.)
BCF Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation and other notified local government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc.Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation and other notified local government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc.
PBC PMJAY Beneficiary CardPMJAY Beneficiary Card
IC Insurance CardInsurance Card
EMPID Employment ID cardEmployment ID card
PAL Preauthorization approval letterPreauthorization approval letter
CAL Claim approval letterClaim approval letter
DCR Discharge Summary ReportDischarge Summary Report
DSR Death Summary ReportDeath Summary Report
LAMA Discharge Summary with LAMADischarge Summary with LAMA
DAMA Discharge Summary with DAMADischarge Summary with DAMA


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "ndhm-supportinginfo-code",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p>This code system <code>https://nrces.in/ndhm/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/ndhm-supportinginfo-code</code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">AT<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-AT\"> </a></td><td>Attachment</td><td>Attachment</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">VRCF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-VRCF\"> </a></td><td>Vehicle Registration Certificate / Smart card</td><td>Vehicle Registration Certificate / Smart card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">WB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-WB\"> </a></td><td>Water Bill with address</td><td>Water Bill with address</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EB\"> </a></td><td>Electricity Bill of Govt./private company (not older than 3 months)</td><td>Electricity Bill of Govt./private company (not older than 3 months)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">TB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-TB\"> </a></td><td>Telephone Bill of a fixed line. (Any Service Provider)</td><td>Telephone Bill of a fixed line. (Any Service Provider)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-RA\"> </a></td><td>Registered Sale/Lease (Rent) Agreement</td><td>Registered Sale/Lease (Rent) Agreement</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IAO<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IAO\"> </a></td><td>IT Assessment Order</td><td>IT Assessment Order</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SRIC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SRIC\"> </a></td><td>Surrender ID Card (BLT etc.) issued by Govt. of India signed by IGP of the state</td><td>Surrender ID Card (BLT etc.) issued by Govt. of India signed by IGP of the state</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PDS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PDS\"> </a></td><td>PDS Card</td><td>PDS Card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MNREGA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MNREGA\"> </a></td><td>MNREGA Job Card</td><td>MNREGA Job Card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ACC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ACC\"> </a></td><td>Army Canteen Card</td><td>Army Canteen Card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">FED<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-FED\"> </a></td><td>Any other Central/ State government issued family entitlement document</td><td>Any other Central/ State government issued family entitlement document</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MCF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MCF\"> </a></td><td>Marriage Certificate issued by the government</td><td>Marriage Certificate issued by the government</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DCB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DCB\"> </a></td><td>Discharge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for birth of a child</td><td>Discharge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for birth of a child</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CFIG<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CFIG\"> </a></td><td>Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer on UIDAI standard certificate format</td><td>Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer on UIDAI standard certificate format</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CFIP<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CFIP\"> </a></td><td>Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)</td><td>Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CFIE<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CFIE\"> </a></td><td>Certificate of Identity containing Name, DOB and Photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format</td><td>Certificate of Identity containing Name, DOB and Photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CFIU<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CFIU\"> </a></td><td>Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate format</td><td>Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate format</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SSLC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SSLC\"> </a></td><td>SSLC Book/ Certificate</td><td>SSLC Book/ Certificate</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MRU<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MRU\"> </a></td><td>Marksheet issued by any Government Board or University</td><td>Marksheet issued by any Government Board or University</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PIC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PIC\"> </a></td><td>Government Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued by PSU containing DOB</td><td>Government Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued by PSU containing DOB</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ESR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ESR\"> </a></td><td>Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing Name, Date of Birth and Photograph</td><td>Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing Name, Date of Birth and Photograph</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PS\"> </a></td><td>Photograph of self</td><td>Photograph of self</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PF\"> </a></td><td>Photograph of family</td><td>Photograph of family</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PD\"> </a></td><td>Photograph of dead person</td><td>Photograph of dead person</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PCA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PCA\"> </a></td><td>Photograph (any other required for claims adjudication)</td><td>Photograph (any other required for claims adjudication)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SDF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SDF\"> </a></td><td>Self signed declaration form</td><td>Self signed declaration form</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">HDF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-HDF\"> </a></td><td>Hospital stamped and signed hospital declaration form</td><td>Hospital stamped and signed hospital declaration form</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MDF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MDF\"> </a></td><td>Any other consent form or miscellaneous declaration form</td><td>Any other consent form or miscellaneous declaration form</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">WS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-WS\"> </a></td><td>Self signature (wet signature) scanned copy</td><td>Self signature (wet signature) scanned copy</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">HS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-HS\"> </a></td><td>Hospital signature and stamp (scanned copy)</td><td>Hospital signature and stamp (scanned copy)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MDC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MDC\"> </a></td><td>Medical Certificate</td><td>Medical Certificate</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">FB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-FB\"> </a></td><td>Final Bill</td><td>Final Bill</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IB\"> </a></td><td>Interim Bill</td><td>Interim Bill</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ESB<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ESB\"> </a></td><td>Estimate Bill</td><td>Estimate Bill</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">LIR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-LIR\"> </a></td><td>Lab Investigation Report</td><td>Lab Investigation Report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RDR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-RDR\"> </a></td><td>Radiology Report</td><td>Radiology Report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IR\"> </a></td><td>Imaging Report with study</td><td>Imaging Report with study</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">GAR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-GAR\"> </a></td><td>Genetic Assessment Report</td><td>Genetic Assessment Report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DRRL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DRRL\"> </a></td><td>Doctor Referral letter (to specialist)</td><td>Doctor Referral letter (to specialist)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">URL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-URL\"> </a></td><td>Upward Referral Letter (referral from HWC, SC, PHC,CHC to District Hospital)</td><td>Upward Referral Letter (referral from HWC, SC, PHC,CHC to District Hospital)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DRL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DRL\"> </a></td><td>Downward Referral Letter (referral from higher facility to the original referee facility)</td><td>Downward Referral Letter (referral from higher facility to the original referee facility)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IHRL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IHRL\"> </a></td><td>Inter Hospital Referral Letter</td><td>Inter Hospital Referral Letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DRRLH<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DRRLH\"> </a></td><td>Doctor Referral letter (to hospital)</td><td>Doctor Referral letter (to hospital)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DSTEL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DSTEL\"> </a></td><td>Doctor signed treatment extension letter</td><td>Doctor signed treatment extension letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DSDEL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DSDEL\"> </a></td><td>Doctor signed discharge extension letter</td><td>Doctor signed discharge extension letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PDRRL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PDRRL\"> </a></td><td>Post discharge readmission request letter</td><td>Post discharge readmission request letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DRP<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DRP\"> </a></td><td>Doctor Prescription</td><td>Doctor Prescription</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CSN<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CSN\"> </a></td><td>Consultation Summary Note</td><td>Consultation Summary Note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DPN<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DPN\"> </a></td><td>Daily progress note</td><td>Daily progress note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">NN<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-NN\"> </a></td><td>Nursing note</td><td>Nursing note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">OSN<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-OSN\"> </a></td><td>OT Surgery Note</td><td>OT Surgery Note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">FS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-FS\"> </a></td><td>Flowsheet</td><td>Flowsheet</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IMR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IMR\"> </a></td><td>ICU monitoring reports with note</td><td>ICU monitoring reports with note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MDN<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MDN\"> </a></td><td>Medication Diapensation Note</td><td>Medication Diapensation Note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CP<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CP\"> </a></td><td>CarePlan</td><td>CarePlan</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ETN<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ETN\"> </a></td><td>Emergency Treatment Note</td><td>Emergency Treatment Note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">BMR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-BMR\"> </a></td><td>Bedside monitoring report</td><td>Bedside monitoring report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PCTR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PCTR\"> </a></td><td>Point of care testing report</td><td>Point of care testing report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">FIR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-FIR\"> </a></td><td>FIR report</td><td>FIR report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DTH<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DTH\"> </a></td><td>DischargeToHome (Discharge disposition status)</td><td>DischargeToHome (Discharge disposition status)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DTM<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DTM\"> </a></td><td>DischargetoMortuary(death disposition)</td><td>DischargetoMortuary(death disposition)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DTU<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DTU\"> </a></td><td>DischargeToUnknownLocation</td><td>DischargeToUnknownLocation</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DTS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DTS\"> </a></td><td>DischargeToDifferentState</td><td>DischargeToDifferentState</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DTC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DTC\"> </a></td><td>DischargeToDifferentCountry</td><td>DischargeToDifferentCountry</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ADDD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ADDD\"> </a></td><td>Admission date -Discharge date</td><td>Admission date -Discharge date</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DSDE<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DSDE\"> </a></td><td>Discharge start-discharge end time</td><td>Discharge start-discharge end time</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PNR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PNR\"> </a></td><td>PatientNormalRoom (start datetime- enddatetime)</td><td>PatientNormalRoom (start datetime- enddatetime)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PER<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PER\"> </a></td><td>PatientEmergencyRoom(start datetime-enddatetime)</td><td>PatientEmergencyRoom(start datetime-enddatetime)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PSP<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PSP\"> </a></td><td>PatientSurgeryPerformed(startdatetime-enddatetime)</td><td>PatientSurgeryPerformed(startdatetime-enddatetime)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PIS<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PIS\"> </a></td><td>PatientICUStay (startdatetime-enddatetime)</td><td>PatientICUStay (startdatetime-enddatetime)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PPD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PPD\"> </a></td><td>ProcedurePerformedDetail</td><td>ProcedurePerformedDetail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PPDT<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PPDT\"> </a></td><td>ProcedurePerformedDateTime</td><td>ProcedurePerformedDateTime</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SRD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SRD\"> </a></td><td>ServiceRenderedDetail</td><td>ServiceRenderedDetail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SRDT<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SRDT\"> </a></td><td>ServiceRenderedDateTime</td><td>ServiceRenderedDateTime</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IPD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IPD\"> </a></td><td>InvestigationPerformedDetail</td><td>InvestigationPerformedDetail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IPDT<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IPDT\"> </a></td><td>InvestigationPerformedDetailDateTime</td><td>InvestigationPerformedDetailDateTime</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IPE<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IPE\"> </a></td><td>InsurancePolicyExclusion</td><td>InsurancePolicyExclusion</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CPNC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CPNC\"> </a></td><td>CostlyProcedureNotCoveredInPolicy</td><td>CostlyProcedureNotCoveredInPolicy</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EMNC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EMNC\"> </a></td><td>ExpensiveMedicinesNotCoveredinPackage</td><td>ExpensiveMedicinesNotCoveredinPackage</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CDNC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CDNC\"> </a></td><td>ConsummablesAndDisposiblesNotcoveredinPolicy</td><td>ConsummablesAndDisposiblesNotcoveredinPolicy</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ED<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ED\"> </a></td><td>EmploymentDetail</td><td>EmploymentDetail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CIA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CIA\"> </a></td><td>Cause of Injury or Accident</td><td>Cause of Injury or Accident</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PCAI<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PCAI\"> </a></td><td>Patient Condition at time of admission after injury</td><td>Patient Condition at time of admission after injury</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">VAD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-VAD\"> </a></td><td>Vehicle Acident detail</td><td>Vehicle Acident detail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">FBD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-FBD\"> </a></td><td>Fire Burns detail</td><td>Fire Burns detail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SBD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SBD\"> </a></td><td>Snake Bite detail</td><td>Snake Bite detail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ESD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ESD\"> </a></td><td>Electric Shock detail</td><td>Electric Shock detail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CPSD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CPSD\"> </a></td><td>Consumption of Poisonous substance detail(FIR Registered or not)</td><td>Consumption of Poisonous substance detail(FIR Registered or not)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">AHBD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-AHBD\"> </a></td><td>Attack on human body detail (FIR Registered or not)</td><td>Attack on human body detail (FIR Registered or not)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ITPP<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ITPP\"> </a></td><td>ImmediateTreatmentProvidedToPatientAfterAccident</td><td>ImmediateTreatmentProvidedToPatientAfterAccident</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PCDT<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PCDT\"> </a></td><td>AnyPreviousClaimsDueToAccident (previous claim detail)</td><td>AnyPreviousClaimsDueToAccident (previous claim detail)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DOA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DOA\"> </a></td><td>Date of Accident or Injury</td><td>Date of Accident or Injury</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DHDA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DHDA\"> </a></td><td>Date-Time of Hospitalization Due to Accident</td><td>Date-Time of Hospitalization Due to Accident</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EDT<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EDT\"> </a></td><td>EncounterDateTime</td><td>EncounterDateTime</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ET<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ET\"> </a></td><td>EncounterType</td><td>EncounterType</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-RC\"> </a></td><td>ReasonCode (encounter reason)</td><td>ReasonCode (encounter reason)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EO<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EO\"> </a></td><td>EncounterOutcome</td><td>EncounterOutcome</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CRD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CRD\"> </a></td><td>Claim received date time</td><td>Claim received date time</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DD\"> </a></td><td>document detail (submitted with claims)</td><td>document detail (submitted with claims)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CNCR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CNCR\"> </a></td><td>courier number of claim reciept</td><td>courier number of claim reciept</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MLC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MLC\"> </a></td><td>MLC Case (Boolean Y/N)</td><td>MLC Case (Boolean Y/N)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MPC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MPC\"> </a></td><td>MultiPayorClaim (Boolean Y/N)</td><td>MultiPayorClaim (Boolean Y/N)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PSPD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PSPD\"> </a></td><td>Primary and Secondary Payor Detail (in case of Multi Payor claim)</td><td>Primary and Secondary Payor Detail (in case of Multi Payor claim)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">POSC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-POSC\"> </a></td><td>PrimaryorSecondaryClaim</td><td>PrimaryorSecondaryClaim</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DCSPP<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DCSPP\"> </a></td><td>Details of claim settled by primary payor (in case of secondary claims - attachment)</td><td>Details of claim settled by primary payor (in case of secondary claims - attachment)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PIPC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PIPC\"> </a></td><td>PMJAYInsurancePortabilityCase (Y/N) (treatment received in a different state)</td><td>PMJAYInsurancePortabilityCase (Y/N) (treatment received in a different state)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PSD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PSD\"> </a></td><td>PrimarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where PMJAY benefeciary belongs to)</td><td>PrimarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where PMJAY benefeciary belongs to)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SSD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-SSD\"> </a></td><td>SecondarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where benefeciary received treatment)</td><td>SecondarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where benefeciary received treatment)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EI<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EI\"> </a></td><td>EmploymentImpacted (Y/N) for long disabilities)</td><td>EmploymentImpacted (Y/N) for long disabilities)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EID<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EID\"> </a></td><td>Employment impacted period (start date - end date)</td><td>Employment impacted period (start date - end date)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">HI<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-HI\"> </a></td><td>HospitalizedIndicator (if patient was hospitalized or not - Y/N)</td><td>HospitalizedIndicator (if patient was hospitalized or not - Y/N)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">MF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-MF\"> </a></td><td>Materials Forwarded</td><td>Materials Forwarded</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CQD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CQD\"> </a></td><td>Claim query detail</td><td>Claim query detail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">TD<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-TD\"> </a></td><td>Treatment detail</td><td>Treatment detail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ARC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-ARC\"> </a></td><td>Additional info related to claim ( conveying additional situation and condition information.)</td><td>Additional info related to claim ( conveying additional situation and condition information.)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">BCF<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-BCF\"> </a></td><td>Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation and other notified local government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc.</td><td>Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation and other notified local government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc.</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PBC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PBC\"> </a></td><td>PMJAY Beneficiary Card</td><td>PMJAY Beneficiary Card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">IC<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-IC\"> </a></td><td>Insurance Card</td><td>Insurance Card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">EMPID<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-EMPID\"> </a></td><td>Employment ID card</td><td>Employment ID card</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">PAL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-PAL\"> </a></td><td>Preauthorization approval letter</td><td>Preauthorization approval letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">CAL<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-CAL\"> </a></td><td>Claim approval letter</td><td>Claim approval letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DCR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DCR\"> </a></td><td>Discharge Summary Report</td><td>Discharge Summary Report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DSR<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DSR\"> </a></td><td>Death Summary Report</td><td>Death Summary Report</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">LAMA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-LAMA\"> </a></td><td>Discharge Summary with LAMA</td><td>Discharge Summary with LAMA</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DAMA<a name=\"ndhm-supportinginfo-code-DAMA\"> </a></td><td>Discharge Summary with DAMA</td><td>Discharge Summary with DAMA</td></tr></table></div>"
  "url" : "https://nrces.in/ndhm/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/ndhm-supportinginfo-code",
  "version" : "3.1.0",
  "name" : "SupportingInfoCode",
  "title" : "SupportingInfo code",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2022-07-14",
  "publisher" : "National Resource Center for EHR Standards",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "http://nrces.in/"
  "description" : "This CodeSystem contains code pertaining to the specific information mentioned with the category of supporting info",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
          "code" : "IN"
  "caseSensitive" : true,
  "content" : "complete",
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "AT",
      "display" : "Attachment",
      "definition" : "Attachment"
      "code" : "VRCF",
      "display" : "Vehicle Registration Certificate / Smart card",
      "definition" : "Vehicle Registration Certificate / Smart card"
      "code" : "WB",
      "display" : "Water Bill with address",
      "definition" : "Water Bill with address"
      "code" : "EB",
      "display" : "Electricity Bill of Govt./private company (not older than 3 months)",
      "definition" : "Electricity Bill of Govt./private company (not older than 3 months)"
      "code" : "TB",
      "display" : "Telephone Bill of a fixed line. (Any Service Provider)",
      "definition" : "Telephone Bill of a fixed line. (Any Service Provider)"
      "code" : "RA",
      "display" : "Registered Sale/Lease (Rent) Agreement",
      "definition" : "Registered Sale/Lease (Rent) Agreement"
      "code" : "IAO",
      "display" : "IT Assessment Order",
      "definition" : "IT Assessment Order"
      "code" : "SRIC",
      "display" : "Surrender ID Card (BLT etc.) issued by Govt. of India signed by IGP of the state",
      "definition" : "Surrender ID Card (BLT etc.) issued by Govt. of India signed by IGP of the state"
      "code" : "PDS",
      "display" : "PDS Card",
      "definition" : "PDS Card"
      "code" : "MNREGA",
      "display" : "MNREGA Job Card",
      "definition" : "MNREGA Job Card"
      "code" : "ACC",
      "display" : "Army Canteen Card",
      "definition" : "Army Canteen Card"
      "code" : "FED",
      "display" : "Any other Central/ State government issued family entitlement document",
      "definition" : "Any other Central/ State government issued family entitlement document"
      "code" : "MCF",
      "display" : "Marriage Certificate issued by the government",
      "definition" : "Marriage Certificate issued by the government"
      "code" : "DCB",
      "display" : "Discharge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for birth of a child",
      "definition" : "Discharge card/ slip issued by Government hospitals for birth of a child"
      "code" : "CFIG",
      "display" : "Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer on UIDAI standard certificate format",
      "definition" : "Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor or Gazetted Officer on UIDAI standard certificate format"
      "code" : "CFIP",
      "display" : "Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)",
      "definition" : "Certificate of Identity having photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)"
      "code" : "CFIE",
      "display" : "Certificate of Identity containing Name, DOB and Photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format",
      "definition" : "Certificate of Identity containing Name, DOB and Photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format"
      "code" : "CFIU",
      "display" : "Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate format",
      "definition" : "Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate format"
      "code" : "SSLC",
      "display" : "SSLC Book/ Certificate",
      "definition" : "SSLC Book/ Certificate"
      "code" : "MRU",
      "display" : "Marksheet issued by any Government Board or University",
      "definition" : "Marksheet issued by any Government Board or University"
      "code" : "PIC",
      "display" : "Government Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued by PSU containing DOB",
      "definition" : "Government Photo ID Card/ Photo Identity Card issued by PSU containing DOB"
      "code" : "ESR",
      "display" : "Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing Name, Date of Birth and Photograph",
      "definition" : "Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing Name, Date of Birth and Photograph"
      "code" : "PS",
      "display" : "Photograph of self",
      "definition" : "Photograph of self"
      "code" : "PF",
      "display" : "Photograph of family",
      "definition" : "Photograph of family"
      "code" : "PD",
      "display" : "Photograph of dead person",
      "definition" : "Photograph of dead person"
      "code" : "PCA",
      "display" : "Photograph (any other required for claims adjudication)",
      "definition" : "Photograph (any other required for claims adjudication)"
      "code" : "SDF",
      "display" : "Self signed declaration form",
      "definition" : "Self signed declaration form"
      "code" : "HDF",
      "display" : "Hospital stamped and signed hospital declaration form",
      "definition" : "Hospital stamped and signed hospital declaration form"
      "code" : "MDF",
      "display" : "Any other consent form or miscellaneous declaration form",
      "definition" : "Any other consent form or miscellaneous declaration form"
      "code" : "WS",
      "display" : "Self signature (wet signature) scanned copy",
      "definition" : "Self signature (wet signature) scanned copy"
      "code" : "HS",
      "display" : "Hospital signature and stamp (scanned copy)",
      "definition" : "Hospital signature and stamp (scanned copy)"
      "code" : "MDC",
      "display" : "Medical Certificate",
      "definition" : "Medical Certificate"
      "code" : "FB",
      "display" : "Final Bill",
      "definition" : "Final Bill"
      "code" : "IB",
      "display" : "Interim Bill",
      "definition" : "Interim Bill"
      "code" : "ESB",
      "display" : "Estimate Bill",
      "definition" : "Estimate Bill"
      "code" : "LIR",
      "display" : "Lab Investigation Report",
      "definition" : "Lab Investigation Report"
      "code" : "RDR",
      "display" : "Radiology Report",
      "definition" : "Radiology Report"
      "code" : "IR",
      "display" : "Imaging Report with study",
      "definition" : "Imaging Report with study"
      "code" : "GAR",
      "display" : "Genetic Assessment Report",
      "definition" : "Genetic Assessment Report"
      "code" : "DRRL",
      "display" : "Doctor Referral letter (to specialist)",
      "definition" : "Doctor Referral letter (to specialist)"
      "code" : "URL",
      "display" : "Upward Referral Letter (referral from HWC, SC, PHC,CHC to District Hospital)",
      "definition" : "Upward Referral Letter (referral from HWC, SC, PHC,CHC to District Hospital)"
      "code" : "DRL",
      "display" : "Downward Referral Letter (referral from higher facility to the original referee facility)",
      "definition" : "Downward Referral Letter (referral from higher facility to the original referee facility)"
      "code" : "IHRL",
      "display" : "Inter Hospital Referral Letter",
      "definition" : "Inter Hospital Referral Letter"
      "code" : "DRRLH",
      "display" : "Doctor Referral letter (to hospital)",
      "definition" : "Doctor Referral letter (to hospital)"
      "code" : "DSTEL",
      "display" : "Doctor signed treatment extension letter",
      "definition" : "Doctor signed treatment extension letter"
      "code" : "DSDEL",
      "display" : "Doctor signed discharge extension letter",
      "definition" : "Doctor signed discharge extension letter"
      "code" : "PDRRL",
      "display" : "Post discharge readmission request letter",
      "definition" : "Post discharge readmission request letter"
      "code" : "DRP",
      "display" : "Doctor Prescription",
      "definition" : "Doctor Prescription"
      "code" : "CSN",
      "display" : "Consultation Summary Note",
      "definition" : "Consultation Summary Note"
      "code" : "DPN",
      "display" : "Daily progress note",
      "definition" : "Daily progress note"
      "code" : "NN",
      "display" : "Nursing note",
      "definition" : "Nursing note"
      "code" : "OSN",
      "display" : "OT Surgery Note",
      "definition" : "OT Surgery Note"
      "code" : "FS",
      "display" : "Flowsheet",
      "definition" : "Flowsheet"
      "code" : "IMR",
      "display" : "ICU monitoring reports with note",
      "definition" : "ICU monitoring reports with note"
      "code" : "MDN",
      "display" : "Medication Diapensation Note",
      "definition" : "Medication Diapensation Note"
      "code" : "CP",
      "display" : "CarePlan",
      "definition" : "CarePlan"
      "code" : "ETN",
      "display" : "Emergency Treatment Note",
      "definition" : "Emergency Treatment Note"
      "code" : "BMR",
      "display" : "Bedside monitoring report",
      "definition" : "Bedside monitoring report"
      "code" : "PCTR",
      "display" : "Point of care testing report",
      "definition" : "Point of care testing report"
      "code" : "FIR",
      "display" : "FIR report",
      "definition" : "FIR report"
      "code" : "DTH",
      "display" : "DischargeToHome (Discharge disposition status)",
      "definition" : "DischargeToHome (Discharge disposition status)"
      "code" : "DTM",
      "display" : "DischargetoMortuary(death disposition)",
      "definition" : "DischargetoMortuary(death disposition)"
      "code" : "DTU",
      "display" : "DischargeToUnknownLocation",
      "definition" : "DischargeToUnknownLocation"
      "code" : "DTS",
      "display" : "DischargeToDifferentState",
      "definition" : "DischargeToDifferentState"
      "code" : "DTC",
      "display" : "DischargeToDifferentCountry",
      "definition" : "DischargeToDifferentCountry"
      "code" : "ADDD",
      "display" : "Admission date -Discharge date",
      "definition" : "Admission date -Discharge date"
      "code" : "DSDE",
      "display" : "Discharge start-discharge end time",
      "definition" : "Discharge start-discharge end time"
      "code" : "PNR",
      "display" : "PatientNormalRoom (start datetime- enddatetime)",
      "definition" : "PatientNormalRoom (start datetime- enddatetime)"
      "code" : "PER",
      "display" : "PatientEmergencyRoom(start datetime-enddatetime)",
      "definition" : "PatientEmergencyRoom(start datetime-enddatetime)"
      "code" : "PSP",
      "display" : "PatientSurgeryPerformed(startdatetime-enddatetime)",
      "definition" : "PatientSurgeryPerformed(startdatetime-enddatetime)"
      "code" : "PIS",
      "display" : "PatientICUStay (startdatetime-enddatetime)",
      "definition" : "PatientICUStay (startdatetime-enddatetime)"
      "code" : "PPD",
      "display" : "ProcedurePerformedDetail",
      "definition" : "ProcedurePerformedDetail"
      "code" : "PPDT",
      "display" : "ProcedurePerformedDateTime",
      "definition" : "ProcedurePerformedDateTime"
      "code" : "SRD",
      "display" : "ServiceRenderedDetail",
      "definition" : "ServiceRenderedDetail"
      "code" : "SRDT",
      "display" : "ServiceRenderedDateTime",
      "definition" : "ServiceRenderedDateTime"
      "code" : "IPD",
      "display" : "InvestigationPerformedDetail",
      "definition" : "InvestigationPerformedDetail"
      "code" : "IPDT",
      "display" : "InvestigationPerformedDetailDateTime",
      "definition" : "InvestigationPerformedDetailDateTime"
      "code" : "IPE",
      "display" : "InsurancePolicyExclusion",
      "definition" : "InsurancePolicyExclusion"
      "code" : "CPNC",
      "display" : "CostlyProcedureNotCoveredInPolicy",
      "definition" : "CostlyProcedureNotCoveredInPolicy"
      "code" : "EMNC",
      "display" : "ExpensiveMedicinesNotCoveredinPackage",
      "definition" : "ExpensiveMedicinesNotCoveredinPackage"
      "code" : "CDNC",
      "display" : "ConsummablesAndDisposiblesNotcoveredinPolicy",
      "definition" : "ConsummablesAndDisposiblesNotcoveredinPolicy"
      "code" : "ED",
      "display" : "EmploymentDetail",
      "definition" : "EmploymentDetail"
      "code" : "CIA",
      "display" : "Cause of Injury or Accident",
      "definition" : "Cause of Injury or Accident"
      "code" : "PCAI",
      "display" : "Patient Condition at time of admission after injury",
      "definition" : "Patient Condition at time of admission after injury"
      "code" : "VAD",
      "display" : "Vehicle Acident detail",
      "definition" : "Vehicle Acident detail"
      "code" : "FBD",
      "display" : "Fire Burns detail",
      "definition" : "Fire Burns detail"
      "code" : "SBD",
      "display" : "Snake Bite detail",
      "definition" : "Snake Bite detail"
      "code" : "ESD",
      "display" : "Electric Shock detail",
      "definition" : "Electric Shock detail"
      "code" : "CPSD",
      "display" : "Consumption of Poisonous substance detail(FIR Registered or not)",
      "definition" : "Consumption of Poisonous substance detail(FIR Registered or not)"
      "code" : "AHBD",
      "display" : "Attack on human body detail (FIR Registered or not)",
      "definition" : "Attack on human body detail (FIR Registered or not)"
      "code" : "ITPP",
      "display" : "ImmediateTreatmentProvidedToPatientAfterAccident",
      "definition" : "ImmediateTreatmentProvidedToPatientAfterAccident"
      "code" : "PCDT",
      "display" : "AnyPreviousClaimsDueToAccident (previous claim detail)",
      "definition" : "AnyPreviousClaimsDueToAccident (previous claim detail)"
      "code" : "DOA",
      "display" : "Date of Accident or Injury",
      "definition" : "Date of Accident or Injury"
      "code" : "DHDA",
      "display" : "Date-Time of Hospitalization Due to Accident",
      "definition" : "Date-Time of Hospitalization Due to Accident"
      "code" : "EDT",
      "display" : "EncounterDateTime",
      "definition" : "EncounterDateTime"
      "code" : "ET",
      "display" : "EncounterType",
      "definition" : "EncounterType"
      "code" : "RC",
      "display" : "ReasonCode (encounter reason)",
      "definition" : "ReasonCode (encounter reason)"
      "code" : "EO",
      "display" : "EncounterOutcome",
      "definition" : "EncounterOutcome"
      "code" : "CRD",
      "display" : "Claim received date time",
      "definition" : "Claim received date time"
      "code" : "DD",
      "display" : "document detail (submitted with claims)",
      "definition" : "document detail (submitted with claims)"
      "code" : "CNCR",
      "display" : "courier number of claim reciept",
      "definition" : "courier number of claim reciept"
      "code" : "MLC",
      "display" : "MLC Case (Boolean Y/N)",
      "definition" : "MLC Case (Boolean Y/N)"
      "code" : "MPC",
      "display" : "MultiPayorClaim (Boolean Y/N)",
      "definition" : "MultiPayorClaim (Boolean Y/N)"
      "code" : "PSPD",
      "display" : "Primary and Secondary Payor Detail (in case of Multi Payor claim)",
      "definition" : "Primary and Secondary Payor Detail (in case of Multi Payor claim)"
      "code" : "POSC",
      "display" : "PrimaryorSecondaryClaim",
      "definition" : "PrimaryorSecondaryClaim"
      "code" : "DCSPP",
      "display" : "Details of claim settled by primary payor (in case of secondary claims - attachment)",
      "definition" : "Details of claim settled by primary payor (in case of secondary claims - attachment)"
      "code" : "PIPC",
      "display" : "PMJAYInsurancePortabilityCase (Y/N) (treatment received in a different state)",
      "definition" : "PMJAYInsurancePortabilityCase (Y/N) (treatment received in a different state)"
      "code" : "PSD",
      "display" : "PrimarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where PMJAY benefeciary belongs to)",
      "definition" : "PrimarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where PMJAY benefeciary belongs to)"
      "code" : "SSD",
      "display" : "SecondarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where benefeciary received treatment)",
      "definition" : "SecondarySHADetails (SHA/TPA detail of state where benefeciary received treatment)"
      "code" : "EI",
      "display" : "EmploymentImpacted (Y/N) for long disabilities)",
      "definition" : "EmploymentImpacted (Y/N) for long disabilities)"
      "code" : "EID",
      "display" : "Employment impacted period (start date - end date)",
      "definition" : "Employment impacted period (start date - end date)"
      "code" : "HI",
      "display" : "HospitalizedIndicator (if patient was hospitalized or not - Y/N)",
      "definition" : "HospitalizedIndicator (if patient was hospitalized or not - Y/N)"
      "code" : "MF",
      "display" : "Materials Forwarded",
      "definition" : "Materials Forwarded"
      "code" : "CQD",
      "display" : "Claim query detail",
      "definition" : "Claim query detail"
      "code" : "TD",
      "display" : "Treatment detail",
      "definition" : "Treatment detail"
      "code" : "ARC",
      "display" : "Additional info related to claim ( conveying additional situation and condition information.)",
      "definition" : "Additional info related to claim ( conveying additional situation and condition information.)"
      "code" : "BCF",
      "display" : "Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation and other notified local government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc.",
      "definition" : "Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation and other notified local government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc."
      "code" : "PBC",
      "display" : "PMJAY Beneficiary Card",
      "definition" : "PMJAY Beneficiary Card"
      "code" : "IC",
      "display" : "Insurance Card",
      "definition" : "Insurance Card"
      "code" : "EMPID",
      "display" : "Employment ID card",
      "definition" : "Employment ID card"
      "code" : "PAL",
      "display" : "Preauthorization approval letter",
      "definition" : "Preauthorization approval letter"
      "code" : "CAL",
      "display" : "Claim approval letter",
      "definition" : "Claim approval letter"
      "code" : "DCR",
      "display" : "Discharge Summary Report",
      "definition" : "Discharge Summary Report"
      "code" : "DSR",
      "display" : "Death Summary Report",
      "definition" : "Death Summary Report"
      "code" : "LAMA",
      "display" : "Discharge Summary with LAMA",
      "definition" : "Discharge Summary with LAMA"
      "code" : "DAMA",
      "display" : "Discharge Summary with DAMA",
      "definition" : "Discharge Summary with DAMA"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.